Buckle Up it's Going To Be a Bumpy Ride

      Hello again this is your Astrology Diva. This week has been a bit of a emotional roller coaster, but fear not calmer days are on the way.
      As I said last week we had a New Moon/Lunar Eclipse where many set their intentions. Usually afterwards it is normal after a full moon to feel for lack of a better term "out of sorts." For one thing even when you are setting positive goals, the energy that is being putting forth can be draining. Full moons can affect people. I like the Full Moon however, it does not like me. I will have restless night's sleep, headaches, so on so forth. The same reaction can happen to people during a New Moon. The good news is it is usually one or the other-not both. 
     So why all this emotional turmoil? A Lunar Eclipse with a New Moon causes lots of other planets to shift as well. Most notably Venus squared with Neptune which has put us all in a dreamy haze, especially in the beginning of the week.  However  Mercury that trickster planet hit the scene in a big way later in the week. If any of you had technical problems or miscommunication you have Mercury to blame. Mercury has for now made it's home in the sign of Gemini.
     Is there an end in sight ? The answer is yes. We have to go through a little bit of chaos to have smooth sailing.
     Until next time XOXO


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