Born on the Same Day; Different Personalities

      Hello lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva here to tell you about how two people can share the same birthday and have vastly different personalities.
      I am talking about individuals who share the same birthday but were born in different years. Those that have the same exact birthdate. month, day, year are the exception to this rule. Many people believe that astrology signs are one size fits all. Meaning all Pisces are the same. True individuals under the sign of Pisces will have the same traits. Each person will have their own astrology make up. This will cause a difference in personality.
        There is so much information that goes into a persons birth chart. From the time a baby is born the planets are constantly changing and depending on where they land will have  huge impact on what other elements they will have in their chart, if they will be a fixed sign, cardinal sign, or mutable.  Take me for example my Sun Sign is in Scorpio and my Moon Sign is in Taurus. This makes me a double fixed sign, Very stubborn! LOL! Also even though I am a water Sign I do have earth elements in my chart. This makes me crave security and stability.   This is why I love astrology so much !! It is so multifaceted.
     Depending on the time of year a person's birth will determine what their Moon sign is which makes up their emotional side: How they relate to those closest to them: family, friends, significant other, spouse. Then of course you have their Rising Sign. This is the known as a mask of a person's persona-the first impression that we make on others. The Venus Sign is how we attract love to ourselves and more importantly what attributes we seek in a mate. Then depending on the year we are born that will determine the Chinese astrology sign we have. They go by the year rather than the month.
     So that dear friends is how two people can be born on the same day and have vastly different personalities.


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