Take the Leap of Faith this Leap Year

        Happy Leap Day & Leap Year my lovelies !! It's your Astrology Diva here once again to talk to you about this Leap Year. As you may know Leap Years come around every four years. What you may not know is this one is extra special because there is more of a manifesting energy behind it.  We just came off of the Full Moon in Virgo and let me just say this was one mother of a Full Moon! Emotional, unnerving, restless sleeping, moodiness and that was only on the first day.
       As I've talked about many times before Full Moons are the ideal time for all of to get rid of things that no longer serve us. Such as self limiting beliefs, anger, resentment. and old hurts. With the Full Moon being in analytical Virgo this forced us to really dig deep to get to the root of the problem. So we could face it once and for all, address, heal from it, and move on!! This is why, this full moon has been so tumultuous for so many, myself included. The upside of this is once we go through these growing pains, and believe me they can be painful, we can move on and realize that it no longer serves us and welcome in the new.
        We have several things going on this year to make the energy of our intentions manifest very fast. For starters we are in a 9 year which is a year of completion. Meaning goals that we've set in the past few years are going to reach fruition. We are in the Year of the Monkey. Monkey years are all about taking action! This is not the time to sit back and think. Then there is how the planets are aligning, The universe really feels like it has our backs.
        For all of these reasons there has never been a better time to take a leap forward on the leap day and leap year! On a couple of special side notes only a very select few (for better or worse) get to actually get to celebrate their birthdays today. Those born on leap day are called "leapers" are thought of to be very special and creative. Happy Birthday to you !! Also if there are any single ladies that feel inclined , today is the day that they may propose marriage to their boyfriends.
    Until next time XOXO <3



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