2015: The Year of ABUNDANCE!!

Happy New Year!! It's your Astrology Diva here with the first blog of  2015 YAY!  Hope the year is starting out good for you my darlings!! I'm so, so excited for this year! 2015 is the year of abundance. According to numerology if you add the numbers of 2015 2+0+1+5=8 8 is the number if infinity and it is also the number of abundance.  Now Abundance can mean many things. When people hear the word abundance the automatically think money! Now not to say that it can't meant that, however abundance can also come in the form of creativity, ideas, time, love, health so on and so forth. Just be open to receiving any all blessing that may be coming your way throughout this year, and also be grateful. Gratitude goes a long way to speeding up manifesting.
  In 2014 we had a lot of growing up to do. There were many obstacles we had to face, and many of us went through our own unique growing pains. Through that, it made us stronger, more determined. In 2015 this is going to be the year of doing. 
   With the planetary shifts of last month , Saturn has finally Scorpio and entered Sagittarius. This will make things flow much easier.  Thank goodness!
 Finally with this being the New Year many of us do resolutions lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more so on and so forth. All are good by the way. However I have decided for the past few years to set an intention for the new year and my intention for this year is to create. Create the life I want and also embrace more of my creative side by writing more. So far I'm off to a great start and hope you all are as well.
Thank you all to those that read my blog and here's to a rockin' 2015!!!
Until next time XOXO <3


  1. Hi Astrology Diva! I'm Chelly from your NaNo group on Facebook. I didn't know you were into astrology! I read my horoscope every day, faithfully.

    Thanks for this positive outlook on things for 2015! I think I'll friend you on FB, if you don't mind. And will you post your Astrology blog posts to my wall every now and then? That would be great. I'll "like" them and help you bring more traffic to your site.



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