Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse a Release
Tonight is the Full Moon//Lunar Eclipse. Some refer to this full moon as the Flower Moon. This is a time of heavy energy and major releasing of things that no longer serve you. With the Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius we are feeling more driven than ever to put out words, thoughts, and intentions into action. Gemini being an Air sign bore easily and are always multi-tasking and wanting to be of service to their community. While Sagittarius a Fire sign is all about action and as the sign of the Archer aiming for what they want. Both these signs combined with the energy of the Lunar Eclipse are going to help us reach our goals. If you have been feeling sad, depressed, or irritable relax it is completely normal with the energy of a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. Feelings from your past can creep up into your subconscious during this time. It is just a reminder that if it no longer serve...