Saturn Retrograde: How to Harness this Energy

     Hello my lovelies, it has been a minute since I have reached out to you. So I thought I would talk to you today about Saturn Retrograde. Now I know many of you that are familiar with me have heard talk extensively about Mercury going retrograde, ( which it is now), however I haven't ever talked to  you about Satrun retrograde.  So lets get to it.

    Saturn went sretrogrde officially on May 23 and will be that way until Oct. 10th whoa that is a long time.  The planet of Saturn has the reputation of being strict, not breaking the rules, hard working, think of this planet as your hardest teacher in high school, or even a boss. The one that says, " You will be here at 7:00 AM sharp"  "You will not be on your cell phone." "I want to see you working not visiting with your neighbor."  You get the idea. Now you might be thinking  wow this is harsh. I don't want to work for someone like that or I don't want a teacher like that.  However  it's not as bad as it seems.  Let me explain.

    When I was in high school my Sociology teacher embodied the charactristics of Saturn. He was strict, we had to obey his rules and he told all of us no matter how hard we studied the highest grade we would recieve was a C. I absolutely loved this class and if I could go back I would go back and do it all over again!  Yes I got a C in the class we all did but he pushed us to learn to really discover what Sociology really is about. It's one of the reason I love astrology in my opinion they go hand in hand.  ( but that's another blog for another day).  It's not a bad thing to be strict or to tell your students/employees how you the teaacher/boss want to be treated.  It is setting boundaries.

    Yes the way to harness this energy Saturn Retrograde is to set boundaries for yourself.  If you have ever been put in a postion where you had plans and someone called at the last minute and asked you " could you work for me?"  only to find out when you ask them they say "no  I can't" it breeds resentment.  Or you keep asking someone to not do something like look at their phone when you are talking to them, but they keep doing it. They heard you they just didn't care. Setting Boundaries for yourself is a way to let people know this is how I want to be treated.  No I won't just drop everything because you call me, no you can't call me after 9:00 PM, If you want to see me you have to ask me out and make plans I'm busy.  You get the idea. Use this time to find out what boundaries you would like to set up for yourself. I think we need to let go of the fear of people saying " you're difficult" telling people you are not going to put up with bad behavior and being mistreated.  The only thing I regret about not setting up my own personal boundries sooner is that I didn't get rid of fake friends that waxed poetic about her  air conditing unit  when I came to her about a problem ,or dump a lousy boyfriend sooner. Believe me you don't need negative people in your life.

Until next time. XOXO


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