A Roaring Retrograde!!

     Hello my lovelies, it's your astrology diva here,. I've been away now I am back to tell you all about the  big, busy, spring we are having. In case you did not know we have five, yes five planets in retrograde  including Mercury . Retrograde means they are going backwards.  Now this isn't a bad thing. This is a time for us to reflect, reorganize, redecorate, redo, notice how I'm use "re" in front of the words. Projects that did not get off the ground before you can go back to, You might  have better luck with it this time, However this is not, repeat not a good time to start a new project, new relationship, or sign legal contracts.   Retrogrades are all about healing, and repairing the past. 
So far this spring we have had some heavy energies to contend with . Last month we had the "Pink Moon" Full Moon in Scorpio while the Sun was in Aries . It was very powerful indeed as both of these signs have the Planet Mats in them. The Moon is Scorpio caused  awaken to delve deep and not be so secretive ( a hard thing for Scorpios). Allowing us to bare our souls sort of speak another thing not so easy for us Scorpios.
     Which leads me to talk about the Full Moon we just had on May 6th that was in Taurus while the Sun was in Taurus. Talk about a Daily Double . Now Taurus directly opposes Scorpio. While they may seem like polar opposites these two signs have much in common.:  They're both fixed signs, they crave security, hardworking, and take their comforts seriously.  
      Between these two Full moons and the five planets going retrogrades everybody is bound to feel the affects of this energy, tired, cranky, argumentative, and sad. However Scorpios. Aries, & Taurus  may feel it the affects of it a little bit more because of the moon digging up past hurts, so we can face them one last time and get rid of them for good.  This being a 9 year in numerology is our chance to complete things.
    So for my fellow Scorpios, my Aries, my Taurus if you feel really mad at someone that wronged you in the past and feel the need to send angry text or e-mail to tell them off for how they made you feel. I say don't do it. Tempting as it might be at that moment. Rather write it down in a diary or journal then you will feel so much better and then you will finally be able to let it go.
     To have a bright future, you have to let go of the past. This is what this spring is about.
Until next time XOXO <3


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