
Showing posts from 2015

Winter Solstice: Be Fearless & Let Go of the Past

      Hello lovelies!! It's your Astrology Diva here wanting to wish you all a Happy Winter Solstice! Today is officially the first day of winter as well as the shortest day of the year. Astrologically speaking it is also the day the Sign of Sagittarius exits the Sun. So let us reflect on the fun, fierce, and fearless sign that is the Archer.         Energetically speaking this month has been a bit of a roller coaster and we're not even finished yet. Just a couple weeks ago I was at a New Moon Manifesting party. There we set our intentions of what we wanted to manifest for the new year. Simultaneously we were releasing fear. This got me to thinking about the sign of Sagittarius and how so many of them seem to be fearless. Think about it. You have Taylor Swift who at the young age of 16 titled her album "Fearless"  She is unafraid to write and sing about love and love lost, and just allowing herself to be vulnerable. ...

Scorpios and the Storm

    Hello my lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva here wanting to discuss all things about my sign Scorpio!     No w as we say farewell to this sign in 2015, I hope all my fellow Scorpios have had Happy Birthdays!! Mine was good. Admittedly a little different and not as cheerful as this was the first birthday of mine without my mother. This was going to be the first of many celebrations I would have to celebrate differently.     I knew for many reasons that this was decidedly a different birthday. A new kind of year was going to be in store for me. A certain something in the air if you will. It got me to thinking if this was just me or if other Scorpios were feeling this way as well.  This led me to scroll through YouTube. I happened upon not one but two Scorpio Tarot card readings. One was a love forecast, the other an overview for the month of November. Both had said that we Scorpios are going through a tumultuous time. Albeit in diffe...

Libra's and Love

       Hello my lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva here to talk to you about Libras and how they love. Libra is of course is ruled by the planet Venus. The planet of beauty and love. So it is no wonder that finding love, keeping love is extremely important to them. Libra is a sign that hands down does not like being all! Need an example. Kim Kardashian. She's on her third (and hopefully final marriage) another is Eminem. It is very well documented with his albums and in the press his tumultuous marriage/divorce/marriage/divorce to Kim Mathers. Google it kitty cats. Even further proof that even when a relationship isn't good for them; they'd rather have the drama of an unstable relationship than be ...gasp; ALONE!!!      Now I know it might sound like I'm picking on our loving Libras. However, what I find most impressive, even enduring is that even through the heartbreak and disappointment that can come with failed marriages/...

Gwen Stefani - Used To Love You


Gwen Stefani - Used To Love You


Mercury has Gone Direct....So Now What?

   Hello my lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva here once again. This time talking about the joy that is Mercury, the planet that is over communication is no longer in retro-grade (backwards). Can I get an AMEN!!! It went direct (forwards) on Oct. 9. So any glitches with computers, I phones, smartphones, and the like should now be a thing of the past. Communication hopefully will get better. You see during Mercury retrogrades your message might get jumbled, or misinterpreted, Never a good idea especially during this time to send texts, or emails; opt for one to one conversations.    So now that the worst is behind us; what are to do? Well there is a lingering effect of "burning off what is no longer needed." Not literally, but metaphorically speaking. We all genuinely want to be happy, peaceful, easy-going people. To achieve this is to let go of our old anger and resentments. We've been through a very heavy energetic time where we for better or worse have had to...

Fall Equinox, SuperMoon, & So much more!!

   Hello, my lovelies, it's your astrology diva! I am back after a self-imposed break. I am happy to be back!!    This week marks the Fall Equinox. Along with a Solar Eclipse/Harvest Moon or as some are calling it a Super Moon. All while we are in the midst of Mercury Retrograde. Oh before I forget the Sun is saying "Goodbye" to  list-making, tidy, efficient  Virgo and "Hello" to  harmonious, balance- loving, flirtatious Libra. Whew! That is a lot going on in one week.    So what does this mean you might ask?    Well the Fall Equinox, obviously. I happen to be a fall baby so this is my favorite season. O ther than ushering in the new Fall Season, it's cause for celebrating and bringing in harvests. Hence the term "Harvest Moon." It's also a time of reaping the seeds of manifestations we planted in Summer season. Either figuratively or literally. Right now we are in a prime manifestation period. Meaning anything we ...

Love Matches: It's in the stars

      Happy Valentine's Day my lovelies!! It's your Astrology Diva here once again to share with you love matches. There are some signs that are seemingly more compatible than others. Of all of the aspects one can study in Astrology this is my favorite!! Everybody has pros and cons as does every sign there is not one that is perfect. It is interesting to learn about the various dynamics of each sign especially in romantic relationships.      Here is a refresher of the Astrological Wheel. There are twelve signs. Four elements. They are Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. The Signs are as such Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. Air: Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. Water: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. Fire: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.      Now two elemental signs such as two Water signs for example a Scorpio and a Cancer can meet and feel a great deal of attraction for one another. Both signs tend to be emotional, intuitive, family...

Love is in the Air

     Hello my lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva here to talk to about love & romance!! It's  February which means love is in the air!! Valentine's Day is just right around the corner. It is a time to show an appreciation for your significant others as well as have love in your life, and more importantly to have love for yourself. However this is a holiday that brings on more stress and bitter feelings than Thanksgiving and Christmas combined. Why do you ask? Great expectations. For those that are coupled up to be uber-romantic and give the "perfect gift"  have the "perfect date" and have an experience that can only be read about in a "Nicholas Sparks novel. Conversely for those of us that are single there is a pressure to get coupled up so we won't have to tell our friends and family "no worries I'm spending Valentine's Day alone....again." However it really doesn't have to be. Valentine's Day should be fun, fl...

2015: The Year of ABUNDANCE!!

Happy New Year!! It's your Astrology Diva here with the first blog of  2015 YAY!  Hope the year is starting out good for you my darlings!! I'm so, so excited for this year! 2015 is the year of abundance. According to numerology if you add the numbers of 2015 2+0+1+5=8 8 is the number if infinity and it is also the number of abundance.  Now Abundance can mean many things. When people hear the word abundance the automatically think money! Now not to say that it can't meant that, however abundance can also come in the form of creativity, ideas, time, love, health so on and so forth. Just be open to receiving any all blessing that may be coming your way throughout this year, and also be grateful. Gratitude goes a long way to speeding up manifesting.   In 2014 we had a lot of growing up to do. There were many obstacles we had to face, and many of us went through our own unique growing pains. Through that, it made us stronger, more determined. In 2015 this is going t...