
Showing posts from 2014

Winter Sostice 2014: Time for a Fresh Start

     Hello my lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva here to talk to you about the Winter Solstice. As you may know this officially marks the fist day of Winter. It is also the shortest day & longest night. What you may not know is that this is a great time to reflect on the past. Find out what no longer is serving you, and as the song says "Let it go." It is also a good time to try to figure out how do you want you future to look like? How do you see it? Do you want a new career? To start a family? To move away and start anew? This is the time to rest, find a quiet place, and really envision the future you want for yourself.      A good way to do this is to write down all of what you experienced in this past year. What worked, what did not. Think about what really excites you. Things you are enthusiastic about you will want to work on and spend time on. Conversely things that seem like drudgery will basically suck the life out of you and will ma...

Getting Unstuck. and Having the Courage to Move on

     Hello my sweeties, it's your Astrology Diva here again to talk to you about the last Full Moon of 2014!! Wow I don't know about you but to me this year seems like it went by way, way to fast.  Now those of you that follow my blog regularly know that I write about how to release what no longer is serving you during a Full Moon. Now this blog isn't to different, however I have come across many people from last month to now that have said that they really feel "stuck in a rut" in their own life.     It's no surprise this has been a rather topsy- turvy year energetically speaking. People walking around in a daze sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop. We as humans are always looking for something, or someone to make our lives better. A better job, a new town, car, new significant other,  heck we've even looked to politicians make our lives. better. Truth is the only one that can make out lives better is the person we see ...

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Stirring Emotions

     Hello lovelies. As you may know last week we had a Solar Eclipse whilst the Moon & Sun were both in Scorpio. This is the third trip for Scorpio Eclipses. This brings many emotions, such as irritability, moodiness, unrest, sleepless nights and or strange dreams, and can overall feeling of  "What am I doing with my life?"   Well now that the dust as settled, so to speak, clarity will follow.  There are actually two signs in Scorpio. The first obviously is the Scorpion which many can see as "death", meaning when a scorpion stings you with its poison you will die. The other is the Phoenix, which rises from the ashes and is reborn again. Hence the reason the sign of Scorpio is equated with life and rebirth.       As I was feeling the energy last week the message I kept receiving over and over again was forgiveness.  Forgiving yourself, family members, friends, lovers, co-workers, ene...

Lunar Eclipse: A Time of Endings & Beginnings

     Hello my beautiful friends it's your Astrology Diva here to talk to you about the Lunar Eclipse we had last week. It was the last one of the year and If you were lucky enough to see it; gorgeous. The Moon was huge, bright , and in a word magnificent.  The energies around full moons are always heavy, and Lunar Eclipses are no exception. That is why even though it happened a week ago. The energy of  the eclipse is still hanging in the air.   With this Lunar eclipse I have noticed many, many endings & beginnings almost simultaneously. Take me for example, some dear friends are moving away to start a new life in a new state, gay marriage just became legal in the state I reside in, while others have decided to finalize their divorce. Like I said it is a time for endings and beginnings.  Before I forget to mention it Mercury is retrograde which means if your electronic devices, computers, cell phones, ipods, ect go on the...

Born on the Cusp: A Tale of Two Signs

    Hello my dears, it's your Astrology Diva here to blog about being born on the cusp. What does that mean? It is when a person's birthday is smack dab in the middle of two signs.  I thought this would be the perfect time to discuss it since right now the Sun is leaving Earth Sign pragmatic Virgo and entering fair & balanced loving Air sign Libra.   Being born on the cusp can raise many questions. The major  one being "What is my Sign?" usually followed up with "Do I have to read both horoscopes everyday. There are many schools of thought of  this. One is ignore the cusp pick a sign and stick with it!! Meaning that they feel strongly connected with one sign than the other, though, they are born on the cusp. Another train of thought o f this is to look at both signs, and consider that you are  getting the best traits of both signs. A friend of mine who happens to born on the cusp. The Aquarius/Pisces cups to be specific. She had confided to m...

The Summer of Love

Greetings my lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva! I have been gone for too long!! But fear not, I'm back and I'm here to talk to all about 2014's Summer of Love!! This is a bit of a departure from my regular blogs that you are used to reading from me. I took a self-imposed  retreat from blogging, to change up some of  ideas I blog about to keep it fresh & entertaining. This is one of them so I hope you all enjoy. If Summer of Love sounds familiar it's because it's a B'52's song of the same name. It's one of my favorite songs from them & for those who haven't had the pleasure of listening to this wonderful song I have put in link for you all to enjoy. This summer many of my friends have found themselves breaking up, divorcing, and separating. All of them had different backgrounds, some high school sweethearts, some just together under a year, some with children, some with pets all of them I mean all them said the same thing. "It...

Aries Taking Charge!!

     Hello sweeties, it's you Astrology Diva her once again to tell you all about Aries the Ram.  This Sign kicks off the Zodiac. Beginning in Mar. 20-Apr. 19. If they say Pisces is the "unluckiest" sign in the zodiac that it is my opinion that Aries is the most ambitious. Always ready to take on a challenge, never afraid to speak their mind, and is a HUGE risk taker. Don't believe me just look at Aries born Lady Gaga . From her music; did she rip off Madonna on her song "Born this Way"? Her clothes who else, (and who really would want to ) where these ridiculously high, high heels with just a body suit & sunglasses, or her various, costume's the frog costume, the head gear, I could do a whole blog just about her outfits but you see where I'm going with this. She's making a statement just like all Aries: I'm here! Pay Attention! & I guarantee people will be talking about them.     Why is that well it is simple they are very charming,...

Pisces the Romantic Dreamer

     Hello my lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva here!  I'm here to chat about the dreamiest, most romantic, and creative sign in the Zodiac that is ... Pisces the sign of the fish. The last sign of the Zodiac and unfortunately dubbed the unluckiest sign. Empathetic, artistic, intuitive, troubled, prone to escapism.    Pisces a water sign is a sensitive sign. It is my opinion the they are more sensitive than Cancer, & Scorpio simply because unlike these two signs ( the Crab & the Scorpion)  they have no hard shell to protect them. I'm speaking metaphorically of course. All of the water signs are all naturally sensitive, and intuitive however with our tender hearts Cancers & Scorpios have the hard shell to protect themselves while the Pisces being the Fish have no shell to protect themselves with other that sheer movement.  If you ever look at the sign of Pisces you will see two fish going in two different directions. In many...

Aquarius the Detached Observer

    Hello my lovelies, once again it's your Astrology Diva here to talk to you about Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of the Water Bearer which spans from Jan. 21- Feb. 18. I'm sure we've all heard the lyric "this is the dawning of the age of  Age of Aquarius" made famous by the Fifth Dimension. True Aquarius do have a very peace loving, free-spirited , care free feel vibe about them; that lends itself well to the very hippie vibe this song entails. However, don't be fooled there is so much more to Aquarius than meets the eye.  They are an Air sign just like Gemini's & Libra's which makes them very sociable. Only difference is that where Gemini's & Libra's are the social butterflies circulating, mingling, making new friends, people tend to seek out Aquarius. While they love companionship & conversation you can tend to find them in the corner observing what everybody else is doing. Aquarius detest drama, and at least in this Diva's...

Happy Chinese New Year!! Year of the Horse 2014

    Happy Chinese New Year!! We say good-bye to the year of the Snake and hello to the year of the Horse. This is not only the year of the Horse but it this the year of the Wood Horse meaning it is in the Earth element. In Chinese Astrology they view things as Yin meaning feminine and Yang meaning masculine. Last  year when we were in the year of the Snake it was in  water. Now what these means my dears is that we were in a very feminine, introverted, state of mind.  We were all about our feelings, thoughts, and thus planted the seeds of our manifestations. That being said with us being in the year of the Horse we are ready to take action, and see our manifestations, thrive, and grow. No more thinking, just doing.     So far we are barely two months into this new year and it seems like this is a year of action. So with that in mind pay very close attention to your thoughts, what you say, and most importantly what your intentions ar...

Capricorn The Hardest Working Sign in the Zodiac

     Hello dears, it's your Astrology Diva once again here to talk about Capricorns. Quite possibly the hardest working sign in the zodiac. Unfortunately for Capricorns their birthday month falls right in the middle of the busy hustle & bustle of the Christmas/New years season. Now when I was younger, I'm sure like a lot of you, I thought "wow how nice to have your birthday & Christmas right next together (or in some cases on the same day). As many of my Capricorn friends have informed me it's not all that and a bag of chips. To quote on friend  " I  usually get both lumped together, no birthday cake, no birthday party casue it's to inconvenient" ."Over time you just get used to it."  Then there are those that are born right after the holidays whose birthdays sometimes gets forgotten. Worse yet their penned with the "this is the most depressing time of the year.  With all of  these heavy burdens hanging over their birthday, is wh...