Change is in the air

      Hello dears, it's your Astrology Diva here to tell you that change is definitely in the air. Thanks to Pluto & Saturn there have been rapid changes in our lives. Personally I have literally had my some close to me been faced with both Birth & Death all in the first week of Sept. And that is just the tip of the ice berg. People leaving jobs, getting jobs, going to jail, and even staging a political rally that no one would ever thought would happen much less be successful.  And honey bunnies we are just barely hitting the middle of the month.
     To say that we've been in a whirlwind would be an understatement. Pluto is a planet of  communication setting the stage for platforms to send out messages to the public. Hence the political rally. Like I said darlings timing is everything. While we also have Saturn that is like a Drill Sargent if you will being very constrictive, disciplined, basically making us whether we know it or not get things ship shape. This all falls right in line with the Sun being in task master Virgo.  Ahh Virgo the Getter done sign of the Zodiac. 
       Don't believe me ? If you ever need a medicine cabinet organized, help figuring out what you should part with in your closet, or which house hold chores should be done first call your Virgo friends/family members. They are all about work first then play later. While  just today me the Diva sacrificed a whole day to clean hence the reason I'm doing my blog now. However the bigger reason is just like Saturn Virgo is urging us, strongly, to put our ducks in a row. Although Mercury is Virgo's ruling planet and it is Mercury is all about technology and importantly communication; I feel that many of us our weathering a storm either literally, (like the people in CO, & NJ)  or figuratively, that just like every storm there is a rainbow in the end.
       I can't really express this feeling that I have except to say that there is a feeling, magic if you will that change is in the air. What it is I am not sure however I do know, things just feel, different.  So my darlings my advice to you is to get your act together, get ready, and take care of things now.
Until next time XOXO


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