
Showing posts from 2021

Saturn Retrograde: How to Harness this Energy

      Hello my lovelies, it has been a minute since I have reached out to you. So I thought I would talk to you today about Saturn Retrograde. Now I know many of you that are familiar with me have heard talk extensively about Mercury going retrograde, ( which it is now), however I haven't ever talked to  you about Satrun retrograde.  So lets get to it.     Saturn went sretrogrde officially on May 23 and will be that way until Oct. 10th whoa that is a long time.  The planet of Saturn has the reputation of being strict, not breaking the rules, hard working, think of this planet as your hardest teacher in high school, or even a boss. The one that says, " You will be here at 7:00 AM sharp"  "You will not be on your cell phone." "I want to see you working not visiting with your neighbor."  You get the idea. Now you might be thinking  wow this is harsh. I don't want to work for someone like that or I don't want a teacher like that.  ...