
Showing posts from September, 2014

Born on the Cusp: A Tale of Two Signs

    Hello my dears, it's your Astrology Diva here to blog about being born on the cusp. What does that mean? It is when a person's birthday is smack dab in the middle of two signs.  I thought this would be the perfect time to discuss it since right now the Sun is leaving Earth Sign pragmatic Virgo and entering fair & balanced loving Air sign Libra.   Being born on the cusp can raise many questions. The major  one being "What is my Sign?" usually followed up with "Do I have to read both horoscopes everyday. There are many schools of thought of  this. One is ignore the cusp pick a sign and stick with it!! Meaning that they feel strongly connected with one sign than the other, though, they are born on the cusp. Another train of thought o f this is to look at both signs, and consider that you are  getting the best traits of both signs. A friend of mine who happens to born on the cusp. The Aquarius/Pisces cups to be specific. She had confided to m...

The Summer of Love

Greetings my lovelies, it's your Astrology Diva! I have been gone for too long!! But fear not, I'm back and I'm here to talk to all about 2014's Summer of Love!! This is a bit of a departure from my regular blogs that you are used to reading from me. I took a self-imposed  retreat from blogging, to change up some of  ideas I blog about to keep it fresh & entertaining. This is one of them so I hope you all enjoy. If Summer of Love sounds familiar it's because it's a B'52's song of the same name. It's one of my favorite songs from them & for those who haven't had the pleasure of listening to this wonderful song I have put in link for you all to enjoy. This summer many of my friends have found themselves breaking up, divorcing, and separating. All of them had different backgrounds, some high school sweethearts, some just together under a year, some with children, some with pets all of them I mean all them said the same thing. "It...