
Showing posts from January, 2016

Full Moon in Leo: GO Big or GO Home!!

        Hello lovelies! It's your Astrology Diva here to tell you about the first Full Moon in 2016 otherwise called the Wolf Moon. Even though the Sun is now in the sign of Aquarius which is an Air Sign. The moon is transitioning through the sigh of Leo which is a fire sign. So for my Leo's out there you may be feeling things a bit more intensely during this period. Full Moons are notorious for releasing that we do not need/ do not serve us. Coupled with the fact that we are at the tail end of Mercury Retrograde (Can I get an AMEN! ), and we have count them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, planets are going to align . Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  So needless to say with all of this heavy energy going many will feel tired, moody, and have a need to withdraw to a quiet place to reflect.  I highly recommend this.        Don't be alarmed if   you   have lucid dreams where people or events...

Show Your Love!!

     Hello my lovelies, I hope this January has found you well thus far. As you know we are fast approaching on a holiday that many of us are dreading. No I am not talking about MLK Day rather Valentine's Day!  I encourage you all of you rather than seeing it as a day of  doom , gloom, and whoa is me, rather a day of   fun, happiness, and of course love. Love of self, love of your family, friends , pets, whatever makes brings you joy!!! Seriously how can you not love a holiday where the colors are pink & red, there are heart shapes, flowers, and candy!! Especially Chocolate!     For far to long we have conditioned ourselves to think that if we are not dating, married, or in a committed relationship that we are not allowed to partake of this joyous holiday. We all need to stop to give holidays power over us and dictate how we should celebrate them.  I say celebrate the love that is in your life...

New Year, New Beginnings

        Happy New Year my lovelies!!  It's your Astrology Diva here to talk to you about 2016!  I hope that the new year is finding you well so far. So far I am off to a great start!! We are celebrating the Sign of Capricorns our hardworking goal-oriented goat earth sign. Happy Birthday to you all!          So even though we are just two days into the new year there is a lot going on that I want to talk about so I'm just going to jump in.  To begin with is the year 2016. I have been in the last year dabbling in Numerology. I am a novice. However what I have learned is 2015 was the year of abundance. 2+0+1+5 =8. The number 8 in Numerology means Abundance. Now this can mean money however not always. It can mean that in the past year you found an abundance of time, opportunities, health so on and so forth,  We  all know how turbulent last year was both energetically and astrologically speaking ...