Aries Taking Charge!!
Hello sweeties, it's you Astrology Diva her once again to tell you all about Aries the Ram. This Sign kicks off the Zodiac. Beginning in Mar. 20-Apr. 19. If they say Pisces is the "unluckiest" sign in the zodiac that it is my opinion that Aries is the most ambitious. Always ready to take on a challenge, never afraid to speak their mind, and is a HUGE risk taker. Don't believe me just look at Aries born Lady Gaga . From her music; did she rip off Madonna on her song "Born this Way"? Her clothes who else, (and who really would want to ) where these ridiculously high, high heels with just a body suit & sunglasses, or her various, costume's the frog costume, the head gear, I could do a whole blog just about her outfits but you see where I'm going with this. She's making a statement just like all Aries: I'm here! Pay Attention! & I guarantee people will be talking about them. Why is that well it is simple they are very charming,...