
Showing posts from April, 2014

Aries Taking Charge!!

     Hello sweeties, it's you Astrology Diva her once again to tell you all about Aries the Ram.  This Sign kicks off the Zodiac. Beginning in Mar. 20-Apr. 19. If they say Pisces is the "unluckiest" sign in the zodiac that it is my opinion that Aries is the most ambitious. Always ready to take on a challenge, never afraid to speak their mind, and is a HUGE risk taker. Don't believe me just look at Aries born Lady Gaga . From her music; did she rip off Madonna on her song "Born this Way"? Her clothes who else, (and who really would want to ) where these ridiculously high, high heels with just a body suit & sunglasses, or her various, costume's the frog costume, the head gear, I could do a whole blog just about her outfits but you see where I'm going with this. She's making a statement just like all Aries: I'm here! Pay Attention! & I guarantee people will be talking about them.     Why is that well it is simple they are very charming,...